Binny Bansal, the co-founder of Flipkart, has officially stepped down from the board of the renowned e-commerce giant, marking the end of a chapter he embarked upon alongside Sachin Bansal 16 years ago. This decision comes in the wake of Mr. Bansal’s recent sale of his remaining stake in Flipkart.
In his statement, Mr. Bansal expressed, “I take immense pride in the accomplishments of the Flipkart Group during the past 16 years. With a strong leadership team and a clear path ahead, Flipkart is positioned robustly, and with this confidence, I have chosen to step aside, confident that the company is in capable hands.”
He added, “As they continue to revolutionize customer experiences, I extend my best wishes to the team, while remaining a steadfast supporter of the business.”
Let’s delve into five intriguing facts about Binny Bansal:
1. Originating from Chandigarh, Binny Bansal attended St. Anne’s Convent School in the city. He pursued software programming at IIT Delhi, ultimately earning a degree in computer science and engineering.
2. Following his college years, Binny Bansal worked at Sarnoff Corporation before joining Amazon as a software engineer in January 2007. After spending nine months at Amazon, he eventually left to co-found Flipkart.
3. Binny Bansal held significant roles at Flipkart, initially serving as the Chief Operating Officer. He later ascended to the position of Chief Executive Officer in 2016 and subsequently became the Group CEO in January 2017.
4. Recognized for his investments in startups, Mr. Bansal also sits on the board of the digital payments company PhonePe.
5. At present, Binny Bansal stands as one of India’s youngest billionaires, with a current net worth totaling $1.4 billion (Rs 11,637 crore).
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