The tax searches against Congress MP Dhiraj Kumar Sahu’s family-owned distillery company in Odisha have resulted in a cash seizure of Rs 353.5 crore. This is the largest single seizure ever made by an investigative agency in India. To uncover any hidden gold jewellery, the Income Tax Department is utilizing advanced technology, such as the geo surveillance system, at Mr Sahu’s properties in Ranchi and Lohardaga. The raids were initiated on December 6 due to allegations of tax evasion and “off-the-book” transactions. The I-T Department suspects that the cash recovered represents unaccounted income from the sale of country liquor. The BJP has used this situation to attack the Congress and other opposition parties. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has assured the public that the recovered money will be returned. The Congress has distanced itself from Mr Sahu and called for an explanation regarding the cash and its source.
The Income Tax Department in India has seized a record-breaking amount of cash during raids on an Odisha-based distillery company owned by Congress MP Dhiraj Kumar Sahu’s family. The total amount seized reached Rs 353.5 crore after five days of counting, making it the largest single seizure ever made by any investigative agency in India. In addition to the cash recovery, the department is now using high-tech gadgets, including a geo surveillance system, to search for any hidden gold jewellery at the premises linked to Mr Sahu. The raids were initiated on December 6 on charges of tax evasion and “off-the-book” transactions. The I-T Department suspects that the cash represents unaccounted income generated from the sale of country liquor. The BJP has used this opportunity to counterattack the Congress and other opposition parties, claiming that their accusations of the government misusing investigative agencies are mere propaganda. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has promised that the “looted money” will be returned, while the Congress has distanced itself from Dhiraj Sahu and called for him to explain the source of the cash.
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