Cat-Owner Duo in Ohio Shares Amputee Journey While Helping Others Through Animal Therapy” rewrote without a full stop at the end: “Cat-Owner Duo in Ohio Shares Amputee Journey While Helping Others Through Animal Therapy

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Mengel said she knew Lola-Pearl would be a good therapy cat after she brought her on a whim to an amputee coalition conference about a month after she adopted the domestic shorthair.

“She was so good with people I just knew she would be a good therapy cat,” Mengel said. “People really were attracted to her, too.”

During a recent visit to a limb loss support group meeting, Mengel pushed Lola-Pearl around in a stroller — labeled “Therapy Cat” — so attendees could pet the kitty as she woke up from a nap.

Whether she was sitting in the stroller, walking in between participants’ legs or cuddling on their laps, Lola-Pearl brought a smile to whoever she decided was worthy of her attention in that moment.

“She’s very intuitive of people,” Mengel said.

Lola-Pearl isn’t the only cat in Mengel’s life; the former traveling nurse who lost her left leg in 2006 after years of surgeries following a near-fatal car accident is a mother to seven felines, most of which have disabilities.

“They find you, you don’t find them,” she said.

Meanwhile, Mengel had been in talks with her friend in Missouri about adopting the cat, and after Lola-Pearl healed from surgery, Mengel officially adopted her.

Despite the obstacles Mengel has been through, she exudes a spirit of gratitude for Lola-Pearl and for the work they do together.

“It’s a really rewarding experience,” she said, “I get just as much out of it as the people that I visit.”

Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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Mengel said she knew Lola-Pearl would be a good therapy cat after she brought her on a whim to an amputee coalition conference about a month after she adopted the domestic shorthair.

“She was so good with people I just knew she would be a good therapy cat,” Mengel said. “People really were attracted to her, too.”

During a recent visit to a limb loss support group meeting, Mengel pushed Lola-Pearl around in a stroller — labeled “Therapy Cat” — so attendees could pet the kitty as she woke up from a nap.

Whether she was sitting in the stroller, walking in between participants’ legs or cuddling on their laps, Lola-Pearl brought a smile to whoever she decided was worthy of her attention in that moment.

“She’s very intuitive of people,” Mengel said.

Lola-Pearl isn’t the only cat in Mengel’s life; the former traveling nurse who lost her left leg in 2006 after years of surgeries following a near-fatal car accident is a mother to seven felines, most of which have disabilities.

“They find you, you don’t find them,” she said.

Meanwhile, Mengel had been in talks with her friend in Missouri about adopting the cat, and after Lola-Pearl healed from surgery, Mengel officially adopted her.

Despite the obstacles Mengel has been through, she exudes a spirit of gratitude for Lola-Pearl and for the work they do together.

“It’s a really rewarding experience,” she said, “I get just as much out of it as the people that I visit.”

Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

The article titled “Cat-Owner Duo in Ohio Shares Amputee Journey While Helping Others Through Animal Therapy” discusses the story of a cat named Lola-Pearl and her owner, Michele Mengel, who use animal therapy to help people with limb loss. Mengel adopted Lola-Pearl, a domestic shorthair cat, and quickly realized her potential as a therapy cat due to her friendly and intuitive nature. Lola-Pearl accompanies Mengel to support group meetings for individuals with limb loss, where she brings joy and comfort to attendees by allowing them to pet her and cuddle with her.

Mengel, a former traveling nurse who lost her left leg in a car accident, has a total of seven cats, most of which have disabilities. Despite the challenges she has faced, Mengel expresses gratitude for Lola-Pearl and the work they do together. She finds the experience of providing animal therapy to be rewarding, stating that she receives as much fulfillment from it as the people she visits.

In the current context, animal therapy has gained recognition as a beneficial approach in improving mental and emotional well-being. The use of therapy animals, such as cats, dogs, and horses, has shown positive effects on reducing stress, anxiety, and depression in various populations. This article highlights the specific impact of a therapy cat on individuals with limb loss, showcasing the unique bond between humans and animals in promoting healing and support.

Please note that the final sentence about making everything plagiarism-free with high perplexity is not related to the article or its context.

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