New Delhi: Allu Arjun’s daughter, Allu Arha, was recently seen in an adorable video playing with her little cousin, Klin Kaara. The video, shared on X (previously known as Twitter), features Ram Charan’s wife, Upasana, holding Klin Kaara in her arms and swaying. Allu Arha can be seen holding onto Klin Kaara’s feet and swaying along with them. Upasana is dressed in a black leather jacket and pants, while Allu Arha looks pretty in a pink dress.
In another post, Upasana shared pictures from her Makar Sankranti celebrations. One picture shows Ram Charan, Upasana, and Klin Kaara posing together, surrounded by family and cousins, including Allu Arjun and his wife, Sneha Reddy. The second picture shows Upasana hugging Ram Charan from behind. She captioned the post, “Happy Happy Sankranthi my heart & belly are full. Thank u Athamma & Mamaya for bringing us all together.”
Last month, Ram Charan, Upasana, and Klin Kaara visited Mumbai’s Mahalaxmi temple to seek blessings on the occasion of Klin Kaara’s six-month birth anniversary.
On the work front, Ram Charan is set to star opposite Kiara Advani in Shankar’s “Game Changer” after the success of his film “RRR,” which won an Oscar.
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