Munawar Faruqui, the winner of Bigg Boss Season 17, recently shared his experiences and challenges during his time in the Bigg Boss house. In an interview with The Indian Express, the stand-up comedian and singer expressed his discomfort with his personal life being dragged into the show. Despite not wanting to face such a situation, he had no choice but to deal with it. Faruqui admitted that he was not proud of his actions but emphasized the need to move on and improve his circumstances.
When asked about the impact on his mental well-being, Faruqui revealed that he had faced numerous mental breakdowns. He confessed to crying under the blanket or in the bathroom every day, feeling helpless and mentally affected. However, he acknowledged that he must confront these challenges and move forward.
Addressing rumors of the show being rigged and his victory being pre-decided, Faruqui responded by saying that if he had been a fixed winner, he wouldn’t have had to go through such scrutiny. He emphasized that his success was not handed to him on a platter and that he had worked hard throughout the season. Faruqui encouraged those calling him a fixed winner to watch the entire season and realize that his victory was not predetermined.
Abhishek Kumar emerged as the first runner-up for this season of Bigg Boss.
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