“Khushi Kapoor made her acting debut in The Archies alongside Suhana Khan and Agastya Nanda. The film received mixed reviews. Janhvi Kapoor, Khushi’s sister, shared her thoughts on the film during a guest appearance at Agenda Aajtak. She advised Khushi to be prepared for criticism but to stay true to herself. Janhvi expressed regret that no one had given her the same advice and encouraged Khushi to focus on the people who value and appreciate her. Janhvi also praised Khushi’s performance, describing it as warm and genuine. She acknowledged the difficulty of being authentic in front of the camera and emphasized the importance of self-confidence. Janhvi admitted that she often questions herself and offered ongoing advice to Khushi. In her own acting journey, Janhvi experienced pressure and insecurity due to social media chatter and the expectations associated with being her mother’s daughter. Janhvi will be appearing in upcoming films such as Mr. and Mrs. Mahi and Devara with Jr NTR. The article also includes a brief profile of the author, Shreyanka Mazumdar, who is the Chief Sub Editor of the entertainment team at News18 and has a strong passion for Bollywood.”
Khushi Kapoor, daughter of late actress Sridevi and producer Boney Kapoor, recently made her acting debut in the film “The Archies” alongside Suhana Khan and Agastya Nanda. The film received mixed reviews from critics. Khushi’s sister, Janhvi Kapoor, shared her thoughts on the film during her appearance at Agenda Aajtak. Janhvi advised Khushi to be prepared for hate but not to lose herself in the process. She emphasized the importance of focusing on the people who value and support her, rather than believing the negative comments. Janhvi praised Khushi’s performance, describing it as warm and genuine. She also revealed that she gives Khushi advice regularly, but believes that her sister is more sensible than her. Janhvi discussed the pressure she felt during her own debut and how it affected her decision-making. She also mentioned her upcoming projects, including the films “Mr And Mrs Mahi” and “Devara” with Jr NTR. The article was written by Shreyanka Mazumdar, Chief Sub Editor of the entertainment team at News18.
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