New Delhi: The release date of the highly anticipated film “The Crew” has been announced with a funny video. Starring Kareena Kapoor, Tabu, and Kriti Sanon in lead roles, the film is set to hit theaters on March 29. The video begins with a pilot welcoming the passengers on board a flight and making a humorous request for them to tie their blouses tightly. The lead actors, dressed in flight attendants’ uniforms, are then shown walking through the corridor with the ’90s song “Choli Ke Peeche” playing in the background. Producer Rhea Kapoor shared the video on social media, expressing her excitement about the film’s release. “The Crew” is directed by Rajesh Krishnan and marks the reunion of Rhea Kapoor, Ekta Kapoor, and Kareena Kapoor after their successful collaboration in “Veere Di Wedding.”
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