New Delhi: The much-anticipated trailer for “Merry Christmas” has finally been unveiled, offering a treat for the festive season. Directed by Sriram Raghavan, the film stars Katrina Kaif and Vijay Sethupathi, who share the screen for the first time, in a narrative that twists a Christmas Eve date into an unexpected thriller. The trailer introduces the audience to the characters of Kaif and Sethupathi, who appear to instantly connect during a Christmas Eve date. The footage captures them enjoying a seemingly perfect night out, complete with a street walk, a carnival visit, and ending with drinks and dancing. However, the mood shifts dramatically as their conversation turns enigmatic, and the trailer concludes with a tense scene of Kaif mysteriously vanishing in a theater, leaving Sethupathi alone, all set against a haunting version of “Silent Night.”
The trailer has been actively promoted by Katrina Kaif on her social media, where she shared it with her followers, teasing the film’s release in cinemas on January 12th.
The initial release of the film’s posters on social media garnered enthusiastic feedback from fans and celebrities alike. Comments ranged from praises for the intriguing poster to anticipation for the film, especially given Sriram Raghavan’s reputation for crafting engaging thrillers.
“Merry Christmas” is a bilingual production, shot in both Hindi and Tamil, marking a first-time collaboration between Katrina Kaif and Vijay Sethupathi. Produced by Ramesh Taurani, Sanjay Routray, Jaya Taurani, and Kewal Garg, the film is all set to hit the screens on January 12, stirring excitement among moviegoers for this unique cinematic offering.
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