Parineeti Chopra, the Bollywood actress, recently made her singing debut at the Mumbai Festival 2024 and has been receiving praises from her loved ones. She delighted her fans by sharing a video of herself singing her late grandfather’s favorite song, “Aaj Jaane Ki Zid Na Karo,” on stage. Parineeti, who will be seen next in Imtiaz Ali’s Chamkila, expressed her emotions by captioning the video as “My nana’s favorite song.”
One of the individuals who applauded Parineeti’s performance was Raghav Chadha, who shared pictures from her concert. In his caption, he referred to her as his rock star, nightingale, and personal melody queen, praising her for breathing life into lyrics with her soulful voice. Parineeti responded with kiss and shy emojis.
Additionally, Parineeti shared a behind-the-scenes video where Raghav called her to calm her nerves before the performance. She jokingly mentioned that she was not feeling “set” despite the stage being set, to which Raghav assured her of his blessings.
Parineeti has previously showcased her singing skills in movies like Meri Pyaari Bindu, Kesari, and The Girl On The Train. She even recorded a special song titled “O Piya” for her wedding.
Stay tuned for more updates.
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