In a heartfelt tribute on Instagram, Bollywood actress Sonam Kapoor extended warm birthday wishes to her father, Anil Kapoor, who turned 67. The “Raanjhanaa” actress shared a series of endearing photos featuring her father with her newborn son Vayu, as well as nostalgic snapshots of the “Nayak” star from years past. Her message expressed deep admiration for Anil Kapoor, celebrating him not only as an age-defying superstar and a dedicated, talented actor revered by the industry but also as a wonderful husband, father, and grandfather whose example of openness, hard work, gratitude, and love is unmatched.
The post, which garnered attention on social media, included a picture that captured the hearts of fans and fellow celebrities alike. It can be viewed here:
Anil Kapoor’s brothers, Boney and Sanjay Kapoor, also took to Instagram to share their good wishes. Sanjay Kapoor posted a photo with his elder brother, lauding him as an inspiration, while Boney Kapoor chose a unique approach by sharing a throwback photo to commemorate Anil’s 25th birthday along with congratulatory words.
Amidst the birthday celebrations, there was also excitement for Anil Kapoor’s upcoming film. The makers of “Fighter” have been creating a buzz with the release of posters featuring the main cast. Earlier this month, a new poster was unveiled with Anil Kapoor suited up as a pilot. He took to Instagram to introduce his character, Group Captain Rakesh Jai Singh, also known as Rocky, the Commanding Officer of the Air Dragons unit, with the tagline “Fighter Forever.” The post was met with enthusiastic responses, including fire emojis from Anil’s daughter Rhea Kapoor and hi-five emojis from Bhumi Pednekar, who has previously worked with the actor.
“Fighter,” directed by Siddharth Anand, is noteworthy for pairing Deepika Padukone and Hrithik Roshan on screen for the first time, generating much anticipation among fans.
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