The Madhya Pradesh government has allocated Rs 164 crores for the expansion of a super specialty hospital in Rewa. The proposal was approved during a state cabinet meeting chaired by Chief Minister Mohan Yadav in Bhopal. Urban Development and Housing Minister Kailash Vijayvargiya announced that the funds will benefit the people of Rewa and Shahdol divisions, as the hospital is the largest super specialty facility in those areas. In addition to this, the council of ministers also made an important decision regarding the startup policy in the state. Under this policy, startup entrepreneurs participating in national competitions will receive a reimbursement of Rs 50,000, while those participating in international competitions will receive Rs 1.50 lakh. This financial support will be given once in a financial year and up to twice during the entire tenure of a startup. CM Yadav expressed gratitude to Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the Parbati-KaliSindh-Chambal Link Project and Union Minister Nitin Gadkari for providing road projects worth Rs 10,405 crore to the state. He highlighted that the long-pending Parbati-KaliSindh-Chambal Link Project would benefit multiple districts in Madhya Pradesh and eastern Rajasthan by increasing the availability of drinking water for irrigation and industrial use. The project, worth Rs 75,000 crore, would be funded 90% by the central government and 10% by the state government. The Bhoomi Pujan of the Ken-Betwa Link Project is scheduled for February 2024.
The Madhya Pradesh Cabinet has given its approval for the construction of a super speciality hospital in Rewa at a cost of Rs 164 crore. This state-of-the-art facility will cater to the medical needs of the people in Rewa and surrounding areas. The hospital will be equipped with advanced medical infrastructure and will provide specialized services in various disciplines. This project aims to improve the healthcare infrastructure in the region and ensure better access to quality healthcare for the residents.
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