India Army Chief General Manoj Pande is scheduled to visit Jammu and Kashmir on Monday to assess the security situation in the aftermath of recent terrorist attacks in the Poonch-Rajouri sector. During his visit, General Pande will focus on strengthening the counter-terrorism grid in the region, following a devastating attack on a convoy near Thanandi that resulted in the loss of four troops. Discussions will also revolve around the ongoing anti-terror operations, with a change in command expected as Lt Gen Sandeep Jain hands over leadership to Lt Gen Naveen Sachdev. In addition, high-level defense ministry officials will be visiting this week to receive strategic briefings on the ground situation and the measures being taken to counter Pakistani terrorists. The Indian Army remains vigilant along the Line of Control and the International Border, fortifying its preparedness to prevent infiltration attempts. General Manoj Pande’s visit reflects a steadfast commitment to ensuring the safety and stability of the Poonch-Rajouri sector, as the nation closely watches these crucial developments in the fight against terrorism on Indian soil.
Army Chief Manoj Pande is set to visit Jammu and Kashmir to assess the security situation as the anti-terror operations in Poonch enter their sixth day. The Army Chief will review the progress of the ongoing operations against terrorists and interact with the troops on the ground. This visit emphasizes the Indian Army’s commitment to maintaining peace and stability in the region, as well as its determination to eliminate the threat of terrorism.
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