Mamata Banerjee, the Chief Minister of West Bengal and leader of the Trinamool Congress, launched a scathing attack on the BJP-led central government on Monday. She accused them of undermining democracy by suspending 46 Opposition MPs in the Lok Sabha for the remainder of the Winter Session. The suspension was made due to alleged misconduct and non-compliance with the Chair’s directives. Banerjee criticized the move, highlighting the crucial role of the opposition in raising important issues within a democratic system. She expressed concern over the stifling of dissenting voices and referred to the suspension as a mockery of democracy.
In response to queries about joining forces with the Congress party, Banerjee stated that she is open to discussion and willing to collaborate if they have genuine intentions. However, she pointed out that the Congress party only holds two seats in West Bengal. Regarding the delay in seat-sharing within the INDIA alliance, Banerjee remarked that it is better to be late than never.
Meanwhile, in Rajya Sabha, a total of 45 opposition MPs, including prominent figures like Jairam Ramesh, K.C. Venugopal, and Randeep Singh Surjewala, were suspended. Eleven of them have been referred to the Privilege Committee. These MPs have been demanding a statement from Home Minister Amit Shah regarding the breach of Parliament’s security on December 13.
The Lok Sabha faced continuous protests, leading to its adjournment for the day. The opposition’s uproar centered around the breach of Parliament’s security. The motion for suspension was moved by Parliamentary Affairs Minister Pralhad Joshi, citing violation of rules by the members. The suspended MPs from Lok Sabha include representatives from various parties such as TMC, DMK, INC, JDU, RSP, and IUML.
It is worth noting that on December 14, a day after the Parliament security breach, 13 Lok Sabha MPs and one Rajya Sabha MP were suspended for unruly conduct. This list includes notable names like Manickam Tagore, Kanimozhi, PR Natrajan, VK Sreekandan, Benny Bahanan, K Subramanyam, S Venkatesan, and Mohammad Jawed. Derek O’Brien from the Trinamool Congress was the only MP suspended from the Rajya Sabha.
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee launched a scathing attack on the Modi government over the suspension of opposition MPs in Parliament. Describing it as a “mockery of democracy,” Banerjee criticized the move, stating that it stifles the voice of the opposition and undermines the principles of parliamentary democracy. The suspension came after uproar in the Rajya Sabha during the passage of controversial farm bills. Banerjee’s criticism highlights the increasing polarized political climate in India and raises concerns about the government’s handling of dissenting voices.
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