West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has threatened to sit on a dharna from February 2 if the BJP-led government at the Centre does not clear the state’s dues amounting to Rs 7,000 crore. Speaking at an official function in Malda, Banerjee called on party workers and those affected by the non-payment of funds to join the protest, which will take place at the BR Ambedkar statue in Kolkata’s Red Road area. She warned that if the dues are not cleared, she knows how to mobilize a movement to get what is owed. Banerjee also highlighted that 156 central teams have visited the state to assess the implementation of various schemes, but the dues have still not been paid. In response, the BJP cited a CAG report alleging a scam of about Rs 2 lakh crore in the state. State BJP president Sukanta Majumdar accused the TMC government of misusing public money and failing to submit required utilisation certificates for completed projects. Banerjee dismissed the allegations and challenged the PAC members to disclose their own accumulated wealth.
Mamata Banerjee, the Chief Minister of West Bengal, has raised concerns over not receiving adequate funds from the central government. In protest, Banerjee has threatened to organize a demonstration against the government’s alleged bias towards her state. Banerjee claims that West Bengal has been neglected and unfairly treated in terms of financial assistance, impacting the state’s development projects and welfare programs. The Chief Minister’s threat to protest highlights her frustration and determination to secure sufficient central funds for the progress of West Bengal.
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