Maruti Suzuki Fined for Misleading Mileage Claims 20 Years After Car Purchase

Maruti Suzuki India Limited, a renowned carmaker in India, has been instructed by the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC) to pay a sum of Rs 1 lakh to a customer for providing false information regarding the fuel efficiency of his car.

According to a recent ruling by the NCDRC bench, headed by Dr Inder Jit Singh as the presiding member, the commission stated, “Typically, a potential car buyer examines the fuel efficiency aspect of the car as a crucial factor and compares different brands/cars in the same segment based on their respective fuel efficiency… After carefully reviewing the advertisement dated 20 October 2004 in this regard, we believe it is a misleading advertisement. Issuing such advertisements amounts to unfair trade practice on the part of the manufacturer and dealer.”

The complaint was filed by Rajiv Sharma, who purchased the car in 2004, enticed by promises of a fuel economy of 16-18 kilometers per liter as advertised. However, after the purchase, Mr. Sharma discovered that the car’s actual mileage was significantly lower, averaging only 10.2 kilometers per liter.

Feeling deceived, Mr. Sharma sought relief from the District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum, requesting a full refund of the car’s purchase price, including interest, registration expenses, and insurance, totaling Rs 4,00,000. The District Forum partially granted his request, awarding him a compensation of Rs 1 lakh.

Unsatisfied with this decision, Maruti Suzuki appealed to the State Commission, but the State Commission upheld the District Forum’s order. Consequently, the case was escalated to the NCDRC, headed by Justice Inder Jit Singh. Mr. Sharma was represented by legal counsel Tarun Kumar Tiwari, while Maruti Suzuki was represented by Vipin Singhania and Diwakar.

Notably, DD Motors, the dealership from which Mr. Sharma purchased the car, failed to appear in court despite receiving summonses. As a result, the case proceeded against them ex parte, meaning it was decided in their absence.

Both parties submitted written arguments to the NCDRC, with Mr. Sharma presenting his case on August 7, 2023, and Maruti Suzuki responding on November 2, 2023.

Ultimately, the NCDRC upheld the previous rulings, concluding that Maruti Suzuki’s mileage claims in their advertisements were misleading and violated consumer rights. Consequently, the automobile giant was ordered to compensate Mr. Sharma with ₹1 lakh.

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In a recent development, Maruti Suzuki, one of India’s leading car manufacturers, has been fined for misleading mileage claims on one of their car models. The incident occurred a staggering 20 years after the initial purchase. The company was found guilty of providing false information regarding the fuel efficiency of the vehicle, leading to dissatisfaction among customers. This serves as a reminder for car manufacturers to uphold transparency and accuracy in their claims, ensuring consumer trust and satisfaction.

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