One year later, the Milwaukee Dancing Grannies are still deeply affected by the tragic events that occurred during the Waukesha Christmas Parade in November 2021. In this incident, a man drove through the parade, resulting in the loss of four members of their community and the deaths of six people in total, while also injuring nearly 70 others. Participating in the parade again brings back painful memories of that fateful day. Jean Knutson, co-leader of the Milwaukee Dancing Grannies, expressed the emotional impact, stating, “Knowing that our fallen four are not here with us but then also going back to Waukesha knowing that that’s where their last steps were.” On Sunday, the group intends to pay tribute to their fallen members by carrying poster-size pictures of them, with some family members joining them in this commemoration.
Additionally, the Grannies plan to distribute gift bags containing bracelets with the messages ‘Granny Strong’ and ‘Waukesha Strong’ as a way of expressing their gratitude to the community for the love and support they have received. Knutson acknowledges that it is the support and love from the community that empowers them to continue moving forward. Despite the tragedy that has bound them together, the group, as a sisterhood, is taking steps towards healing while also cherishing their past memories. Knutson emphasized, “We’re building new memories but never forgetting what we had.”
For further information about the 2022 Waukesha Christmas Parade, details can be found on the official website: Waukesha Christmas Parade (
The Milwaukee Dancing Grannies are preparing to participate in the Waukesha Christmas Parade one year after a tragic incident took the lives of four of their members. In November 2021, a man drove through the parade, killing a total of six people and injuring nearly 70 others. The Grannies are deeply affected by the memories of that fateful day and the fact that it occurred in the same location as their fallen members’ last steps. To honor their lost members, the group plans to carry poster-size pictures of them during the parade, with some family members joining them. Additionally, they will distribute gift bags containing bracelets with messages of strength and gratitude to the community for their support. Despite the tragedy, the Grannies remain united as a sisterhood and are actively working towards healing. They aim to create new memories while always remembering and cherishing what they had.
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