Rep. Dingell finds no evidence to back Biden impeachment.

House Republicans unanimously voted last week to formalize their impeachment investigation into Joe Biden. But according to one Democratic House member, the whole investigation remains smoke and mirrors.

“I’ve talked to numerous Republicans who have publicly and quietly said, ‘there’s no there there.’ They can’t find anything,” Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-Mich.) said Sunday during an interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

The vote to formalize the investigation into what role the president may have played in his son Hunter’s business began nearly a year ago, but has not yet produced evidence that would incriminate the president. Some Republicans voiced hesitation about backing the politically charged process because of the lack of evidence unearthed so far, but the entire caucus ultimately backed the move.

House Republicans unanimously voted to formalize their impeachment investigation into Joe Biden, but according to Democratic House member Rep. Debbie Dingell, the investigation lacks substance. Dingell claims that she has spoken to numerous Republicans who have privately admitted that they cannot find any incriminating evidence against the president. The investigation into Biden’s involvement in his son Hunter’s business has been ongoing for nearly a year but has not yielded any conclusive evidence. Despite concerns about the lack of evidence, the entire Republican caucus supported the move to formalize the investigation.

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