Bihar’s deputy chief minister, Tejashwi Yadav, has criticized DMK Lok Sabha MP Dayanidhi Maran for his alleged derogatory remark about workers from Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. Yadav, a member of the RJD party, stated that the DMK, led by Tamil Nadu chief minister MK Stalin, should refrain from making such remarks as it goes against the party’s belief in social justice. He added, “We consider DMK as a party that shares our ideals of social justice. Its leaders should avoid contradicting those ideals.” Yadav’s comments came after the BJP questioned the silence of opposition alliance INDIA bloc’s constituent parties, which include RJD and DMK. A video clip circulating on social media showed Maran allegedly stating that people from Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, who only knew Hindi, came to Tamil Nadu, learned Tamil, and then built houses, cleaned roads, and toilets. The BJP condemned Maran’s comments, calling them objectionable and derogatory towards Hindi-speaking people. Tamil Nadu BJP vice president Naryananan Thirupathy stated that the remark showcased the true colors of DMK leaders, who use abusive and derogatory language against North Indians.
Bihar Deputy Chief Minister Tejashwi Yadav has criticized DMK Lok Sabha MP Dayanidhi Maran for allegedly making derogatory remarks about workers from Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. Yadav, a member of the RJD party, called out DMK for going against their shared ideals of social justice. The BJP questioned the silence of opposition alliance INDIA bloc, which includes RJD and DMK. A video clip of Maran’s alleged remark circulated on social media, leading to a war of words between BJP and DMK. The BJP deemed Maran’s comment objectionable and derogatory towards Hindi-speaking people. Tamil Nadu BJP vice president criticized DMK leaders for using abusive language against north Indians.
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