White House introduces new guidelines for Cabinet power shifts following Austin’s hospitalization

Departments are now required to follow new protocols regarding the delegation of authority, according to the latest memo issued by the White House Office of Cabinet Affairs and Zients’ office. The memo states that departments must notify both offices when they anticipate or prepare for a delegation of authority, as well as keep written records of when the delegation is in effect and when it is rescinded.

In a specific reference to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s recent situation, the memo emphasizes that delegations must be issued when a Cabinet Member is traveling to areas with limited communication, undergoing medical procedures requiring general anesthesia, or facing circumstances where they may be unreachable. This acknowledgment comes after Austin underwent a prostatectomy on December 22 at Walter Reed Medical Center to treat his undisclosed prostate cancer. However, he failed to inform the White House about the procedure, which necessitated general anesthesia. During that time, he transferred some of his authority to Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks.

Complications from the surgery caused Austin to return to the hospital on January 1, during which authority was once again transferred to Hicks, who was vacationing in Puerto Rico at the time. However, Hicks was unaware of why authority had been transferred to her on both occasions.

Shortly after news broke about Austin’s secretive hospitalization, Zients directed all agencies to submit detailed reviews of their protocols for power transfer. This move aims to ensure transparency and accountability in such situations.

Please note that Lara Seligman contributed to this report.

The White House has implemented new rules requiring departments to notify the Office of Cabinet Affairs and the Office of the Chief of Staff when they anticipate or delegate authority. This comes after Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin transferred authority without informing the White House about his prostate surgery. The memo also states that delegations should be made when a Cabinet Member is unreachable due to limited communication or medical reasons. These changes were prompted by the need for clearer protocols when power is transferred.

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