Australian cricketer Usman Khawaja made a statement with his choice of footwear during the Boxing Day Test match against Pakistan. Khawaja, who had previously been prohibited from wearing shoes featuring a statement on human rights in Gaza, wore shoes with the names of his daughters, Aisha and Ayla, written on them. This move came after his request to display a sticker referencing Article One of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on his bat and shoes was denied by the International Cricket Council (ICC). Khawaja had also been prevented from wearing shoes with hand-written slogans in the previous Test match in Perth. Expressing his frustration on Instagram, Khawaja posted a message accompanied by hashtags criticizing the ICC’s inconsistency and double standards. Prior to the match, Khawaja had shared his personal thoughts on how the Israel-Hamas conflict had affected him emotionally.
During the Boxing Day Test match between Australia and Pakistan, Australian cricketer Usman Khawaja wore shoes with the names of his daughters, Aisha and Ayla, written on them. This move came after Khawaja was prohibited from wearing footwear with a statement on human rights in Gaza. The image of Khawaja’s shoes went viral, displaying the taped names of his daughters. Khawaja had also sought approval from the International Cricket Council (ICC) to display a sticker on his bat and shoes referencing Article One of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, but this request was denied. The ICC had previously prevented Khawaja from wearing shoes with hand-written slogans in the first Test in Perth. Khawaja expressed his frustration on Instagram, stating that he did not have any hidden agendas and sharing his thoughts on the Israel-Hamas conflict.
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