Olympic medallist Bajrang Punia has announced that he will return his Padmi Shri award to the Prime Minister as a mark of protest. This decision comes in response to the election of Sanjay Singh, a loyalist of Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, as the president of the Wrestling Federation of India. Bajrang expressed his disappointment in a letter addressed to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, citing the denial of justice to female wrestlers as the reason for his decision. He highlighted the lack of action taken against Brij Bhushan, who has been accused of sexual harassment by several women wrestlers. Bajrang’s attempt to hand over the letter in protest was stopped by Delhi Police officials. This move follows Sakshi Malik’s announcement that she would quit wrestling as a mark of protest against Sanjay Singh’s election. Despite the efforts of Bajrang, Vinesh Phogat, and Malik, a close associate of a BJP MP now holds the position of president at the Wrestling Federation of India.,
Indian wrestler Bajrang Punia has announced his decision to return the prestigious Padma Shri award in protest over the election of Sanjay Singh as the president of the Wrestling Federation of India (WFI). Punia, a bronze medalist at the 2021 Tokyo Olympics, believes that Singh’s appointment is an inappropriate choice for the sport’s governing body due to his alleged involvement in corruption and nepotism. Punia’s bold move serves as a powerful statement against the lack of transparency and accountability within Indian sports administration.