Shubham Dubey’s life took a positive turn when he was secured by Rajasthan Royals for Rs 5.8 crore in the recent IPL player auction, erasing the early struggles he faced in his journey. Dubey, a talented middle-order batsman, showcased his skills in the recent Syed Mushtaq Ali Trophy with an impressive strike rate of 185. Previously, he had seen his father engage in odd jobs, including selling paan, to afford a cricket kit for him. Now, with this recent success, Dubey is overjoyed and wants to buy a house for his family. He credits his family as his biggest supporters and acknowledges the financial and emotional support they provided during his injury. Dubey’s introduction to higher-level cricket came when he met Vidarbha captain Faiz Fazal, and he now aspires to meet former Sri Lankan batsman Kumar Sangakkara, who is the RR Director of Cricket and Head Coach. Dubey sees meeting Sangakkara as a valuable learning experience.
Shubham Dubey, a middle-order batsman, experienced a positive transformation in his life when he was secured by the Rajasthan Royals for Rs 5.8 crore in the IPL player auction. Dubey had faced early struggles, with his father taking odd jobs to afford a cricket kit for him. However, Dubey showcased his talent in the Syed Mushtaq Ali Trophy with an impressive strike rate of 185. With his recent success, Dubey plans to buy a house for his family and hopes to meet former Sri Lankan batsman Kumar Sangakkara, the RR Director of Cricket and Head Coach.
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