Volunteers unite for the Annual Christmas Bird Count

North America’s oldest citizen science project is underway with thousands of volunteers measuring bird populations in the annual Christmas Bird Count. VOA’s Natasha Mozgovaya joined a birdwatching team in Seattle. 

North America’s oldest citizen science project is underway with thousands of volunteers measuring bird populations in the annual Christmas Bird Count. VOA’s Natasha Mozgovaya joined a birdwatching team in Seattle. 

Summary: The annual Christmas Bird Count, North America’s oldest citizen science project, is currently taking place with the participation of thousands of volunteers. The project involves measuring bird populations, and VOA’s Natasha Mozgovaya joined a birdwatching team in Seattle to witness the event.

Current Context: The Christmas Bird Count is an important event for bird enthusiasts and conservationists alike. It is organized by the National Audubon Society and has been taking place for over a century. The data collected during the count helps scientists understand trends in bird populations, migration patterns, and the overall health of bird species. The participation of volunteers in this project highlights the significance of citizen science in contributing to scientific research and conservation efforts. With the increasing interest in environmental issues and the popularity of birdwatching, the Christmas Bird Count continues to attract a large number of volunteers each year.

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