NASA Webb’s images now on US Postal Service stamps

Millions of postcards, letters, and packages in the US will soon be adorned with stunning celestial images captured by the James Webb Space Telescope. The US Postal Service (USPS) has unveiled two new postage stamps featuring breathtaking views of the “Pillars of Creation” and “Cosmic Cliffs,” celestial landscapes sculpted by newborn stars millions of light-years away. The stamps, available for purchase at Priority and Priority Express rates, aim to celebrate the intersection of science, engineering, and art represented by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope.

Nicola Fox, associate administrator of the Science Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters in Washington, expressed enthusiasm for the stamps, stating that they offer people across the country a tangible connection to Webb’s captivating images and the groundbreaking science they represent. The stamps provide a snapshot of the telescope’s achievements and signify the beginning of a new era in astronomy.

The first stamp, a Priority Mail Express stamp, showcases Webb’s NIRCam image of the “Cosmic Cliffs” in the Carina Nebula, located approximately 7,600 light-years away. This image reveals emerging stellar nurseries and individual stars that were previously hidden from view. It demonstrates the telescope’s ability to penetrate cosmic dust and shed light on the formation of stars.

The second stamp, a Priority Mail stamp, features an image of the famous “Pillars of Creation” captured by Webb’s MIRI instrument. This landscape, previously observed by NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope, displays pillars enveloped in gas and dust, housing slowly forming stars over millennia. The Pillars of Creation is situated within the expansive Eagle Nebula, which lies 6,500 light-years away.

The USPS has a history of celebrating cosmic achievements, as demonstrated by the Forever stamp featuring the Webb Telescope in 2022. These new stamps continue the tradition, showcasing the extraordinary discoveries made possible by this powerful observatory.

Overall, these stamps serve as a reminder of the remarkable beauty and scientific advancements that the James Webb Space Telescope brings to our understanding of the cosmos.

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