Survivor alleges Epstein house conceals “Hidden Room” filled with nude pictures

Virginia Giuffre, a central figure in the Jeffrey Epstein case, has made shocking claims about a hidden room in Epstein’s New York City townhouse. According to Giuffre, the disgraced financier had a room named “the dungeon” that contained explicit photographs of victims. In her testimony, she described seeing nude photographs of victims on Epstein’s desk and throughout the space. One notable detail was a large painting depicting Giuffre and another girl engaging in what she called “salacious acts.”

Giuffre clarified that by “salacious acts,” she meant sexual acts. She further revealed that these explicit photographs were not limited to the dungeon but also present in other areas of the property, such as the entertainment room, Ghislaine Maxwell’s office, and Epstein’s bedroom. When asked if guests on the island might have seen these images, Giuffre confirmed that it was possible.

Describing the extent of the explicit photographs, Giuffre stated, “My assumption is there are at least 50 photographs on that table, some with nude photographs, some with girls in raunchy lingerie photos mixed in with Jeffrey [Epstein] and some of the privileged people he’s met.” She also disclosed the existence of a hidden room in Epstein’s massage room that was filled from floor to ceiling with nude photos and accompanied by numerous boxes containing additional explicit photographs.

Recent unsealed documents from a 2015 lawsuit by Giuffre against Epstein’s former girlfriend, Ghislaine Maxwell, have shed light on the alleged abuse by the late sex offender. These documents reveal unsettling details about Giuffre’s claims of being pressured into engaging in sexual activities with influential figures associated with Epstein, including Prince Andrew, Governor Bill Richardson, Senator George Mitchell, and billionaire Glenn Dubin.

It is worth noting that Prince Andrew settled a $12 million lawsuit with Giuffre in 2022, although he has consistently denied all accusations against him. The released documents, consisting of approximately 250 records with redacted sections, aim to protect privacy. Around 40 documents have been made public so far, with the expectation of more revelations in the near future.

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