News about Russia-Ukraine on April 3, 2023.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz expressed his support for Moldova’s path to joining the European Union, amidst allegations by Moldovan and American officials that Russia is attempting to undermine the government in Chisinau. Scholz assured Moldova of Germany’s backing and commended the country’s efforts in implementing necessary reforms for EU accession. He emphasized that Moldova is not alone in its journey and receives significant international support. Scholz also expressed concern about reported Russian efforts to destabilize Moldova and pledged Germany’s utmost support in helping the country defend against such destabilization. These statements were made during a news conference in Bucharest, Romania, with Romanian President Klaus Iohannis and Moldovan President Maia Sandu. President Sandu previously accused Russia of planning to use disguised saboteurs to destabilize Moldova, while the US believes that Russia seeks to weaken the Moldovan government as it pursues closer ties with the EU. Scholz reiterated the importance of respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of states, including Moldova, and reaffirmed Germany’s commitment to assisting Moldova in countering any attempts of destabilization by Russia. President Sandu expressed her satisfaction with Moldova’s partnership with Romania and Germany, highlighting the beneficial projects that will contribute to the country’s path to EU accession.
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has pledged Germany’s support for Moldova’s path to accession to the European Union, amid allegations that Russia is attempting to weaken the Moldovan government. Scholz expressed concern over reports of Russian attempts to destabilize Moldova and stated that Germany would do its utmost to support Moldova in defending itself against such attempts. Moldova’s President Maia Sandu accused Russia of planning to use disguised saboteurs to destabilize the country, a claim rejected by Russia’s foreign ministry. The United States also believes that Russia is working to weaken the Moldovan government as it seeks closer ties with the EU. Scholz emphasized the importance of respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of states and stated that Germany would support Moldova in arming itself against Russian destabilization attempts. Sandu welcomed the partnership between Moldova, Romania, and Germany and expressed optimism that it would lead to Moldova’s eventual accession to the EU.

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