“Mental Health on Minds of International Students Studying in US” is rewritten as:

Mental Health on Minds of International Students Studying in US

Mental health is a big topic of discussion on U.S. college campuses, with universities themselves continually reaching out to students to make sure they are OK. Many international students studying in the U.S. say the concern is novel but welcome. VOA’s Laurel Bowman has more. Camera and video editing by Saqib Ul Islam.

Mental health is a big topic of discussion on U.S. college campuses, with universities themselves continually reaching out to students to make sure they are OK. Many international students studying in the U.S. say the concern is novel but welcome. VOA’s Laurel Bowman has more. Camera and video editing by Saqib Ul Islam.

The article discusses the topic of mental health among international students studying in the United States. It highlights the efforts made by universities to reach out to students and ensure their well-being. The concern for mental health is seen as a novel but welcome approach by many international students.

Current context: Mental health has become an increasingly important issue on college campuses worldwide, including in the United States. The pressures and challenges faced by students, especially those studying abroad, can contribute to mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. Universities are recognizing the need to prioritize mental health support and are implementing various initiatives to address this issue. The COVID-19 pandemic has further exacerbated mental health concerns among students, with the disruption of in-person classes and social connections adding to the existing stressors. It is crucial to provide adequate resources and support to international students to ensure their mental well-being and overall academic success.

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