Herzi Halevi is the current chief of staff of the Israel Defence Forces.

Lieutenant General Herzi Halevi, the chief of general staff of the Israel Defence Forces (IDF), is facing multiple challenges even before the recent attack by Hamas. In January 2023, when he assumed his position, the IDF was already divided over proposed reforms to the Supreme Court. Some reservists even threatened not to serve if the court’s powers were weakened. This period marked one of the army’s most turbulent times.

However, the recent attack by Hamas, which resulted in the murder of 1,400 Israelis and the capture of over 200 hostages, overshadowed these internal divisions. General Halevi is now leading an aerial and ground offensive against Hamas in Gaza, resulting in a high death toll among Palestinians. Israel’s conduct of the war has sparked widespread protests and allegations of war crimes. In fact, the UN human-rights office has accused Israel of possibly committing a war crime when it targeted the Jabalia refugee camp. Additionally, a minister in the Netanyahu government was suspended for suggesting the use of nuclear weapons against Gaza.

Despite these controversies, General Halevi has a reputation for upholding legal and ethical standards in warfare. Born in Jerusalem in 1967, he comes from a military background, with his father’s father being a member of the Zionist paramilitary group Irgun. He began his army service as a paratrooper and later joined Sayeret Matkal, a special-forces unit that conducts secret operations in Arab countries. Over the years, he has held various leadership positions, including commanding the Galilee Division, heading military intelligence, and leading the Southern Command.

General Halevi’s commitment to the legal and ethical conduct of warfare was strengthened after his experience in the Gaza war of 2008-09, where he criticized other commanders for not upholding moral standards in the presence of civilians. His views align with a longstanding Israeli military tradition that emphasizes the “purity of arms.” However, there have been instances in the past where commanders deviated from these principles, such as Ariel Sharon’s involvement in a reprisal that resulted in the deaths of Palestinians.

Now, as General Halevi leads the IDF in the current conflict with Hamas, the ethical and legal aspects of warfare are being tested. With civilian casualties rising and intense fighting underway, the concept of an ethical and legal war is being pushed to its limits. After the fighting in Gaza ends, General Halevi’s leadership roles will be scrutinized, especially considering the intelligence failure that allowed Hamas’s surprise attack in October. Some speculate that he may resign in the near future, but for now, he remains focused on his final mission.

Lieutenant General Herzi Halevi, chief of general staff of the Israel Defence Forces (IDF), is leading an offensive against Hamas in Gaza. The war has resulted in thousands of Palestinian deaths and has sparked international protests. General Halevi has a reputation for upholding legal and ethical standards in warfare. He has a background in the army and has commanded various units, including during previous conflicts. However, the current war is testing the concept of an ethical and legal war, as civilian casualties mount. After the fighting ends, General Halevi’s leadership will be scrutinized, and there are speculations that he may resign.

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